The Causes of Skin Problem Due to Malnutrition.


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Skin problems is very rampant this days because of so many cream used by people which contains a lot of chemical that can damage the skin.

Pellagra is a form of malnutrition that also affects the skin and sometimes the digestive and nervous systems. It is very common in places where people eat a lot if maize ( corn) or other starchy foods and not enough brans, meat , eggs, vegetables, and other body - building and protective food.

In adults with pellagra the skin is dry and parts where the sun hits it, especially:
On the nape of the neck, on the arms, on the backs of the legs

The burnt skin on the legs of this women is a typical sign of pellagra.

In children with kwashiorkor the skin of the legs ( and sometimes arms) may have dark marks, like bruises, or even peeling sires; the feet may be swollen.

When these conditions exist, often there are also other signs of malnutrition ( some due to shortage if vitamins): sores in the corners of the mouth e.g red, sore tongue; weakness; loss of appetite; failure to gain weight; swollen belly ; etc.

This can be Treated by:
- Eating nutritious food cures pellagra. Every day person should eat beans, lentils, groundnuts, or some chicken, fish, eggs , meat, or cheese. When you have a choice , it is also better to use seat ( preferably whole seat) instead of maize (corn).

- For severe pellagra and some other forms of malnutrition, it may help to take vitamins, but good food is more important. Be sure the vitamin formula you use is high in the B vitamins, especially niacin. Brewer's yeasts is a good source of Vitamin B.

What is your take about this?
What causes skin problem?

Skin problem caused by nutrition is usually a result of eating too much unhealthy food and not doing enough exercise. The body needs a certain amount of vitamins and minerals to be able to function properly. If you don't eat enough healthy food, or you eat the wrong types, your body will have trouble digesting it properly and you will end up with an excess of nutrients in your bloodstream. This can lead to a variety of medical problems including diabetes and high blood pressure.

How does malnutrition affect the skin?

The skin is one of our organs that helps protect us from harmful things like germs, dirt and dust particles. When there is too much fat or sugar in our diets, it can cause damage to these protective layers which then allows bacteria and viruses to enter the body through cuts scratches or other open wounds. These infections are usually very painful and can take weeks before they go away completely; however if left untreated they may lead towards death within days!

How do I know if my diet is causing problems?

There are many different signs that indicate whether your diet has been causing issues with your health. Some people experience redness on their face or body after eating certain foods such as strawberries etc.