Take These Steps Now and Heal Yourself Through Meditation


VIP Contributor
Meditation is an ancient practice that has become a common tool in the world of wellness and self-care.
Many people know that meditation can help you relax and reduce stress, but did you know it can also heal your body?

Meditation is powerful enough to treat different ailments from cold to depression.
People who meditate often find themselves less prone to illness, both physically and mentally.

If you are suffering from any number of ailments, here is how to heal yourself through meditation:

•Find a comfortable position for your body. Keep in mind your meditative state should not be interrupted by physical discomfort. Try using a soft cushion or pillow for comfort.

•Also, make sure you are in a quiet environment where you will not be disturbed.

•Start by taking slow deep breaths from your diaphragm, just as if you were breathing from your belly button (also known as diaphragmatic breathing). This type of breathing will help to reduce stress, tension and anxiety.

•Do this until you feel relaxed, but don't fall asleep!

•Once you've established a comfortable breathing pattern, begin to focus on various parts of your body in turn. Start with your toes and move up to your head. Take note of any aches or pains that may exist in each region as well as any feelings of warmth or tingling sensations you might experience.
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