Step to Personal Financial Success


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What is your definition of financial success? For many of us it means different things. And for most people, it is a vague definition with out a set number or desired result. Most people declare that they want to be "rich" or have enough money so that they don't have to work.

Well, what is that number? What is rich to you? What steps have you outlined to reach this goal? Your definition of financial success should be a personal definition, not some generic definition that someone created in general. But, if you cannot think of one on your own, a generic definition may be a good place to start. That being said, here is my personal definition that my wife and I decided on:

Pretty lengthy definition huh? Well, one of the most important things for being a success in anything is clarity. If you are single, you must be clear as to what it is you are trying to accomplish for yourself. If you are married, you must both be clear on what it is you want together, as well as individually, and put a game plan together to begin, gauge, and accomplish your goals.

Step 1 - Establish Clearly Defined Financial Goals

In order for you to reach a destination, you must be able to see where you are going. Have you ever tried swimming through mud? It would be very hard to do. In addition, you wouldn't be able to see where you are going and the frustration would probably lower your determination and you would give up. If you don't have financial goals set, this is exactly what you are doing.

Why do this if you don't have to? Clearly Defined Financial Goals allow you to see where you are, where you are going, and gives you a way to track your progress. Imagine swimming in the clear waters off the coast of Bermuda - able to see the underwater life and go exactly where you want to go. You can see the dangers and avoid them. If you get off course, you can see where you came from and adjust your direction. Goals in any part of your life give you this power.