Should i save my salary or invest it?


Valued Contributor
I have been nursing the thought of either saving my salary or investing but after some racking of brains I decided to present this to the house to get more insight as regards saving or investing my salary.
when we the consider the concept of savings we will say savings is what we have left after all deductibles that is when we deduct our expenses (consumption) from our income whatever we have left will be regarded as our savings, although some people are of the opinion that we savings should be deducted immediately from income and the remaining should be for consumption. And investment on the other hand is believed to be a sought of savings that grows or reduces as time passes. So believe savings is fixed while investment changes values with the passage of time. But in investment I still stand the risk of losing all my funds. And again if I decide to save my salary my money may suffer to fall arising from time value of money.
Which do you consider wiser?


VIP Contributor
It is very advisable to save and it is also very advisable to invest for future purposes. I always advise people not to save all their money or to invest all their income because an investment may go wrong tomorrow and you become bankrupt. But when you invest certain part of your money you stand a chance of getting more and if it eventually gets bad then you can always rely on your savings.


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A combination of the two would be a better way. You know your financial needs and wants better than anyone here. Other than the expenditures, you can save a part in the traditional saving accounts in bank which are risk free and will give you some gain through interests. A little if you can afford to take risk can go to investments that involve risk appetite. But they might give you a considerable profit.


VIP Contributor
Saving the money in the bank gives you peace of mind about the security of your money. Investing your money gives you the opportunity to make it grow because of the potential profit in the investment. However, there is also the risk of loss that when the investment fails then you can lose part of your investment. Keeping the money in the bank is better for me.


VIP Contributor
You should know that there is a marked difference between the both of them. If you are receiving your money in the bank you will normally have peace of mind but then the money will not grow. My advice is that you should save a little portion of the money and also invest some on a risk that is worth it.


VIP Contributor
Salary may not be enough to start some investment except if you are targeting small investment, though I don't even know how much you collect as your salary. But despite this, we need to save salary with the view of starting investment with it in the nearest future. That's my goal, though.