Saving Account Interest


Active member
A lot of banks are offering the percent for the savings like 1 percent or 2 percent. And so parking the money into the savings account is not much useful. I think there are people who do that because they want to have some assurance of the money they want to hold. I have been trying to find out other means to park the money. Like say mutual funds and the retirement account. This way the returns may be better and also there is some sort of the assurance that my account wont be gone if bank is gone. So that needs to be understood.

If the savings account earns like say 1 percent interest per year then that is not a good interest and may not be a good parking option in near future. If you were to be parking your money into the bank account or the any other accounts. Which would you pick for the interest wise and what is the reason behind the choice of the account that you would pick.


Verified member
Generally bank savings for profit doesn't come with huge profit but certainly you don't loose your money even if they loose because obviously when you deposit for profit they trade with it and give you little profit. If you insist on saving your money in the bank then I will advise you go for fixed deposit that hold your money for six months in Nigeria and you get close to 10 % Interest in the end.
In my opinion if you have the money and you don't have time to do business with it you can decide to invest the money into stocks which is more profitable.