Roles of cooperative in distribution of trade


Verified member
First of all let see what a cooperation society is. A cooperation society is defined as a a voluntary and business organization in which a group of individuals with common interest pool their resources together in order for them to promote the economics and welfare of their members in production, distribution and consumption of goods and services.

Their roles include the following :

Stock variety of good:
We can see that the consumer cooperative society buy while sales which also show that they are expose to, a wide range of goods.

Sell in small quantity to member this society buy in reasonable quality form wholesaler and seller it in bit to the members.

Give advice : the cooperative society give advice to their member (consumer) as well as the manufacturer /wholesaler.

Bring product closer to member:
They also ensure that the products are brought to the doorstep of their consumers or members.

Marketing of members products:
The also assist in marketing their members products by ensuring fair prices for their product so that their members would be able to purchase.