personal growth increasing habits you should have efficiently Part 1


Deleted member 13140

I believe personal growth is essential for workers, like really well, even as a student i value personal growth really well, it helps me to be a better personal and really affect the way i communicate with others positively.
  1. Stop wasting time on porn tube sites:
    I don't know why i had to mention this, but if you spend time on sites that are really really exposing, it could affect the way you see everyone, in a very negative way and that is bad for work, and bad for your mind as well.
  2. Don't follow the crowd, Do what you love:
    Yeap, firm believer of not following the crowd, back when i was in boarding school, i didn't like doing what i saw everyone else was doing like going to midnight parties or sneaking out at night to go and hangout with girls and all that, i believe this helped me, and everyone liked me because of this ,it's really weird, because i found it out.
  3. Limit your social website activities:
    I would say this is true and also false, Why? Because it depends on what you're actually doing on those social media sites, if you're aimlessly chatting a friend or some girl, then limit your time, but if you're doing research, if you have a business on social media then i suggest you add in more time to communicate with your audience it will help your business