Passive income Passive options helped me increase my income streams.



When I started working, I found myself with a lot of responsibilities and hardly had any money left to see me through the whole month. I would always have enough to just make it and this really became kind of depressing until I learnt that the only way to ensure that you are left with more money after all your expenses, was to make sure that you had passive incomes that would not have to be checked daily, weekly or even monthly. So depending on how my budget looked, I would not need to withdraw from the accounts.

So after watching videos on Youtube, I started designing T-shirts on some websites, book covers and logos that I would sell on Fivver and the best part is that it never interferes with my work. I design and upload on weekends and get paid whenever.

Also, the same designs can be used over 4 websites and that means you are able to get more customers. I decided that I would like to make at least $100 a day and within 6 weeks, I started hitting $200 and more.

This does require discipline and consistency, so if you wish to try it out, be patient and you should start making proper money within 2 weeks!
Please comment if you would like the link to help you create the designs.
One thing I like about passive income is that you don't have to be there doing the work before you can earn. You only have to do the work ones and get paid continuously. I think it makes financial sense to have more than two sources of passive income if someone wants to make headway in the present day economy.
Passive income for really help especially this fays that things are costly. I noticed that this days its not easy at all to cope with salary through out of the month.
So one just need to get one side job to cater for ones daily, weekly Jr monthly expenses. Without passive income for somebody to live a good life will be some how difficult.
I particularly love the idea about passive income because you can still do it and still keep your main job in tact. Blogging is also a very good passive income idea because you were only spend small time in writing your blog articles while you just monetize the platform with adsense.
There are various options for you if you are looking for a way to earn passive income. You can go into real estate investment if you have enough cash with you. you can easily earn passive income by receiving rent from your properties every month. Another way is to invest with an expert cryptocurrency trader and receive profit at the end of every trade.
Very good. one thing that a lot of people do not understand is that any type of online business requires patience and consistency. Had it been you gave up at the early stages of your startup you wouldn't have made such amount of money. The niche is a very good niche. I would like to get the link to design the t-shirts.