Passive income explained


New member

Passive income refers to money earned on a regular basis with little or no effort required to maintain it. It is different from active income, which is earned through direct participation in a job or business.
Passive income can come from various sources such as rental income from a property, dividends from stocks or investments, interest on savings accounts or bonds, royalties from intellectual property like books or music, or even from affiliate marketing and online businesses.
The key advantage of passive income is that it provides financial stability and freedom by creating a consistent stream of income that can supplement or even replace active income. It can also allow individuals to have more time and flexibility to pursue other interests and hobbies.
However, building a passive income stream usually requires upfront effort, time, and money to create the initial product or investment. It may also require ongoing maintenance and management to ensure continued income. Additionally, some passive income streams may involve risks and uncertainties, such as fluctuations in market conditions or changes in government policies.
Overall, passive income can be a valuable addition to an individual's financial portfolio, but it is important to carefully consider the risks and potential rewards before investing time and money into creating a passive income stream.


New member
Thanks for the explanation. It sounds like passive income can be a great way to generate steady income while having more free time to pursue other interests.


Valued Contributor
I love that you have said that building of passive income requires you to put in upfront effort. Some people think that since it is passive, you just need to put your money somewhere and wait for profits. Such mindsets is what leads you to scam investments.

That is why I like to go for passive income methods that require my upfront effort. Such include; building rental properties or having my own blog. It will take some effort at first but once established, I can just enjoy the profits.

Therefore, care should be taken for sure when choosing passive income strategies. Take your time and research everything you need to know.