Overindulgence in money has ruin families.


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Sometimes I do not like the idea when someone feel overindulged in the act of making money . Despite the fact that money is a very valuable to and also a timely access that every individual must endeavour to have possibly to some extent it is advised that you should not make money and forget about other priorities and things in life . There is no doubt that money is actually an asset that actually get things done but yet , making money should be done in moderation so that we can have time for other priorities a life as human beings . Our family , friends , colleagues , and relatives actually matters to our life so we shouldn't make money forgetting about them . We must also create time to spend with our families and also build that cordial relationship that comes with having a family and relatives .

Majority of individuals who own businesses today usually spend almost all the time they have in a particular day managing and running their business some of them even stay late into the night not even having time to interact with the family and when they come back home they will always use the excuse of being tired and exhausted so as to cut ties with every interaction they should have have with their family members . Such behaviour is absolutely not good , we must create time for other priorities and activities in our lives other than making money .
The pursuit of wealth and material gain can have devastating consequences on families. Money can be a source of security that allows families to remain close together and enjoy a comfortable lifestyle, but it can also cause the members of the family to grow apart as they chase greater financial gain.

As people age, it is natural for them to begin thinking about their family and how their finances will impact those closest to them. They may want to leave money and property behind for their children or loved ones, or they may want to create a legacy that will outlive them. Unfortunately, greed is often a factor in the desire to build wealth, leaving some families in conflict over money after the death of a relative.

While small inheritances can help family members financially, they can also create friction between loved ones who are not treated equally when it comes to wealth distribution. Conflicts over money are one of the most common reasons why families break apart or experience severe damage to their relationships with one another. Money has its value and a very important one, but love is greater. We cannot take it out of our lives and remain balanced no matter the wealth.
It is actually true many families and relationships have been broken as a result of one partner or one spouse taken almost all the time that he or she has any particular days spending it on making money whether online or offline this is not advisable because human beings have other priorities and duties to do in life apart from making money and so spending all the time on making money and restrict yourself from being with your families and other people that matter to you simply means that you are forming a boundary between them which is absolutely not good and advisable . The people that you love most actually need your time as well not only the act of making money needs your time alone .

Despite the fact that money is a very valuable and important tool that every individual must have yet it is advisable that we make money in moderation and by the word moderation I mean that we should have some sort of timetable when we are to make money and also when we had to spend our time with our family members so as to still strengthen and build that cordial relationship that exist between families and relatives .

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