Overcoming Obstacles and Building Resilience in your job


VIP Contributor
The first step in building resilience is to identify the obstacles that stand in your way. The next step is to figure out how you can overcome each obstacle, and finally, how you can build resilience as a result of overcoming those obstacles.

To do this, ask yourself some questions:

What are the things I can control? How can I take action on those things?

What are the things that are out of my control? What can I do to minimize the impact of these events or circumstances?

How do I feel about this situation? Is it something that fills me with joy or despair? If so, why am I feeling that way? Shouldn't I be feeling something else instead?

What's the worst thing that could happen if something doesn't go well today? How likely is it that something bad will happen anyway?

You can feel like you're not doing anything right, or that you're just not good enough in the eyes of others. But if you take the time to identify and overcome those obstacles, you'll be able to build resilience and success.
When you're starting out, it can be hard to see the obstacles you'll face — and even harder to build your own resilience.
But it's important that you do, because getting knocked down can be a sign of a larger strength: resilience. Resilience is about learning from adversity and developing mental strength. It's about recognizing that no matter how bad things seem in the moment, there is always a way out of your situation.

You may have heard this before: "No one said life would be easy." But when you look at it from the perspective of resilience, the opposite is true. Life often throws us curveballs and knocks us down — but it also comes with opportunities to learn and grow along the way.

One of the biggest obstacles to resilience is plain old TIREDNESS. Tired people are much more likely to make mistakes because they’re not as sharp, or they lack focus, or they have trouble focusing on something for very long. They’re also more likely to be depressed and anxious.
So how do you build resilience in yourself?

You do it by making sure you get enough sleep, and you do it by getting plenty of restful sleep. You do it by exercising regularly and eating well. And you do it by taking care of yourself physically and mentally.
Life comes with a lot of difficulties that's what we should all know and strive to just live or overcome any issues we might be having. it is never easy but we can overcome

I agree with that the first step in building resilience is to identify the obstacles that stand in your way. you can only tackle problem that you know about. So first is to know the problem Then try to figure out how you can overcome each obstacle which is very important. You need to adopt workable steps

Doing this will help you can build resilience to win.