Optimizing Mobile Communication for Increased Productivity

Optimizing Mobile Communication for Increased Productivity​


Smart devices are a great way to improve your productivity. They give you access to information and tools that help you get more done every day. In this article, we'll share some tips on how to use smart devices effectively so that they can work for you rather than against you.

Google Health​

Google Health is a suite of apps that helps you manage your health. It's available on Android, iOS and web. It's free to use and easy to set up just download the app from the Play Store or Apple App Store, join using your Gmail address (or create an account if you don't have one), enter some basic information about yourself (like age and gender), then hit "start."

You can also access Google Health by signing in through Facebook Connect in order to sync data between your social networks and their apps which means more ways for people who like fitness tracking with wearable devices like Fitbit Charge HRs or Garmin Virb Xs Maxes will be able to keep track of how much exercise they're getting without having another device sitting around taking up space inside their pockets or purses!

Google Health has some advantages over other health apps: it integrates seamlessly with other services like Fitbit & Apple Watch; provides personalized tips based on user habits; lets users add diet plans/food lists via email so they don't forget them when grocery shopping--all stuff we've seen elsewhere before but none quite as effective here yet...

Google Drive​

Google Drive is a cloud storage and file synchronization service that enables you to store, access and share your files online. It's available on all major platforms including Android, iOS, Windows and Mac OS X.

Google Drive offers two free plans: 1 GB of free storage for individuals with less than 10 devices; 25 GB of free storage for individuals with more than 10 devices. If you have more than 15GB of data stored in Google Drive at the time of this writing (October 2023), then the cost will be $1/month per TB (Terabyte) or $5/month if you're an enterprise customer who needs more than 50TB worth of disk space in their account. The app itself is available on most major platforms including Android phones/tablets; iOS smartphones/tablets; Chromebooks; Microsoft Windows PCs etcetera, which means they've got something going on there!


Gmail is a free email service that has a lot of features. It’s easy to use, so you can get your work done quickly. There are also many security features to make sure your emails are safe from hackers and viruses, as well as storage space for all those emails!

If you want more productivity out of your mobile device, then installing Gmail on it will help maximize its potential.


iCalendar is a calendar application for Mac, Windows and Linux. It works with Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook email accounts to sync your events with the cloud. You can also use it to manage your personal events and reminders on multiple devices at once.

It's free to use and available on most platforms (and other services such as iCloud). While Apple's Calendar app has its own features like RSVPs and reminders, iCalendar offers more options for editing event details including displaying times as 24-hour clock format with military time too!


Tasks is a task management app that helps you organize your tasks and stay on top of your to-do list. You can use Tasks to plan out the week, manage multiple projects at once, keep track of what's been accomplished and more.

Tasks will help you get things done faster by making it easy for you to add new items into the system as well as edit existing ones.


Docs is a cloud storage service that allows you to store, share and collaborate on documents. It's free to use and easy to set up, with a great interface and secure infrastructure.

Docs makes it easy for you to:

  • Store important files in the cloud (no need for backup hard drives)
  • You can access your data from any location that has an internet connection.


Keep is a cloud-based digital notebook that allows you to keep track of ideas, projects and notes. It’s free, web-based app for storing your information.

Keep is a great tool for keeping track of ideas and projects. You can create lists in the app, share them with others through social media or save them on the desktop version if you want to access them from home.

Gmail for iPhone and iPad​

Gmail for iPhone and iPad is a free app that allows you to access your Gmail account from your iPhone or iPad. You can use it to send and receive email, access all of your contacts, schedule meetings, view recent conversations and more.

You can download the Gmail app by going to Apple's App Store on your device (iPhone or iPad). Once there, search for "Gmail" in the search bar at the top of the page. Click on "Install," then select “Open” when prompted by iTunes. The installation process may take several minutes depending on how quickly you can connect to Wi-Fi networks around town!

It is very easy to improve your productivity by using smart devices​

As you can see, there are many ways that smart devices can help you become more productive. Smart devices make it easier to stay organized, be more efficient and creative and innovative. And they do this while they allow you to continue being effective in your work environment.


I hope this article helped you understand the power of mobile communication and how you can use it to increase your productivity. If you’re still not sure about how to get started, check out my other articles on optimizing your digital life!