More Security Tips for Your Clients this Holiday (Real Estate)


VIP Contributor
As a good real estate agent, you should let your clients know about these great deals because they will appreciate knowing you care about them. Your clients' safety this holiday season is very important. I had to write more tips after writing the first part of this thread recently because I knew how crucial it was.

1. Don't leave additional keys in hiding places like under a plant pot or on a window sill where you can easily find them. Check all entryways and locks and ensure they are in the legitimate spot.

2. In the event that you really do have additional cash get a security framework introduced. However, do it at least a few months prior to your departure to get used to it. Learn about the latest interactive systems available on the market. You can control some standard systems with a smartphone or portable computer.

3. When you are not at home, dogs are always a great way to protect yourself and frighten away intruders. A low-cost barking dog alarm is another option.

4. Make sure you know what valuable items you have at home before you leave so that when you get home, you will know if anything is missing.

5. Last but not least, don't let anyone know you're out. Also, don't share your plans on Facebook or anywhere else. Hush up about confidential data.


VIP Contributor
These are great tips that will help every person both the home owner and the renters this holiday season a lot of insecurity happens during the Christmas and New Year. as such it is always important that one gets his or her home we'll secured so as to keep you away from danger that may be lurking around

Your tips are all valid and it is good that we imbibe almost all of them which will be great. I like the idea of having a dog this is one animal that is very friendly and good to humans they are good protectors of humans so as such it will do one a world of good to have one or two of them around to help with security but most importantly it is good to keep the doors under locked at this time to avoid Intruders having access to our homes and making a way with her valuables.