Microplastics: a growing concern


Hello there!
Let's discuss 'microplastics'. These tiny plastic fragments of size less than 5mm has gradually become a menace in our environment and has raised the concerns many individuals.

Over time, plastics introduced into the environment has the ability to degrade and find its way into our matrices (air, water bodies, soil), and eventually it can get to our body system, bioaccumulate and has the potential to cause cancer and other life threatening ailments.

Many researches are now targeted on microplastics and I have the privilege of working on one currently (the levels and effect of microplastics on a certain fish). So far, I have found out that these plastics polymers which are petroleum based, can cause cause false satiation, abrasion of gut walls, disruption of fertility, organ and tissue damage in fishes.
So what happens to those of us who love fish as a protein source? What are the tendencies of not accidentally ingesting these plastics?
There are other studies focused on microplastics in bottle and sachet water, ambient and indoor air, soils, etc. So, 'bio' is unsafe!

Finding a way to curb the wanton disposal of plastics could be a life saver. Reusing or recycling plastics can reduce the rate at which they are found in our environment.
What do you think we as individuals can do to stop plastic pollution?