Make money online creating contents.


VIP Contributor
A good number of people in my region or country are totally entertainment freaks and because of this they always want to tell others around them best ways that they can also entertain themselves that is why majority of people in Nigeria are content creators and bloggers and because of this a lot of news have been flying here and there in Nigeria and there is absolutely no one that is totally left dumbfounded when it comes to news flash in Nigeria . The YouTube app is becoming the most search website or platform where people go to find answers to various questions bothering them especially in areas like business , entertainments , healthcare , philosophy , education , and most importantly relationship .

In the YouTube app they are totally two categories of persons which are the subscribers and the content creators but to make money with the YouTube app you must become the content creator . To become a content Creator on the YouTube app you must first of all have a laptop device and also create a YouTube channel that is 100% validated by the YouTube community , after that you can go ahead to create credible and commendable contents that best answer questions frequently asked by people or by your subscribers . Your ability to grow your YouTube channel totally depends on how noticeable your YouTube channel it comes to your subscribers .