Make money as a bicycle repairer


Valued Contributor
People around take those who repair bicycles as low life people. That's not right, bicycle repairers do make huge amount of money everyday, am saying this out of experience.

There's this man that repairs bicycle in our street, he makes lots of money daily. I personally had a bicycle every 2 weeks i must visit his shop to work one thing or the other. Going to that comes with money, so calculate everybody living in that area going to him every week to repair their bicycles. They simply shows that the man do make money as a bicycle repairer.

Forget about what people will say, you can also make money like the man mentioned above. Acquiring the skills he will surely help you to make money when opening your own shop for bicycle repairs.

These are some of the important things you need to put in place before succeeding as a bicycle repairer.

Excellent jobs: Nothing makes people happy than seeing their bicycles well fixed and sharp, being a good bicycle repairer can make you a successful money maker.

Quality spare parts: Most bicycles that needs repairs or servicing, the spare but we have some issues that needs a new one. As a bicycle repairer, you must fill your shop with quality spare parts. Nobody will go for quantity but quality.

Location: Before starting repairing bicycles as a means of making money, you must consider the location. Getting your own workshop in a rural area will really help

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