Living beyond one's means, a quick to become poor?


Active member
There is this advice that if you want to become successful, financially stable and independent, you need to live well below your income. However, it seems like most people don't know the wisdom behind that statement. People tend to live a life that is well above there capacity. They want to acquire the latest gadgets, put on the latest fashion wear, desire expensive accessories. This things are not bad in themselves, but what is bad is trying everything possible to get them when you know you can barely afford them. Some even go as far as taking up a loan it borrowing money just so they can acquire these things. These type of people might well be leading themselves into poverty. So this type of mentality in us needs to be abolished. Let us try as much as possible to live below our income so that there can be something left to invest. Remember, a successful person is one who only acquires the things he needs and can afford.