Is Sore Throat and Inflamed Tonsils painful?


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These problems often begin with the common cold. The throat may be red and hurt when the child swallows. The tonsils (2 lymph nodes seen as lumps on each side at the back of the throat) may become large and painful or drain pus . Fever may reach 40°

Treatment for Sore Throat and Inflamed Tonsils.

- Gargle with very warm salt water (1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of water).

- Take aspirin or acetaminophen (paracetamol) for pain.

- If pain and fever come on suddenly or continue for more than 3 days.

However,one kind of sore throat- called strep throat - should be treated with penicillin. It is most common in children and young adults. It usually begins suddenly with severe sore throat and fever, often without signs of a cold or cough. The back of the mouth and tonsils may become very red, and the lymph nodes under the jaw may become swollen and tender.

Use penicillin for 10 fays. If penicillin is given early and continued for 10 days, there is less danger of getting rheumatic fever. A child with strep throat should eat and sleep far apart from others,to prevent their getting it also.