is poultry business lucrative?


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I am weighing so many options on farming business but am picking poultry business for now. Is poultry business lucrative enough?
Poultry products like eggs are really making waves for now. Many people that can't afford the cost of buying meat and fish now switch to buying eggs. Now, eggs selling business is doing well now. But someone can not dabble into a business that you don't have much or any idea about it.
There fore, I will like to know and get better ideas about poultry business if it a good business to invest in or not.
Your ever helping contributions will be much appreciated. Thanks in anticipation.
From experience it is lucrative but you need to know how to get it right. It is good to know how you can tend to your birds and avoid incessant sickness and death. If you can overcome the hurdles then you can make good money from selling their eggs and them too
I believe a poultry will be profitable, there is an increase in the demand for egg of recent due to the increase in the price of other commodities such as meat and fish, also poultry is a double profit business. You make profit from selling chicken and the eggs they lay. Location is also a determining of how profitable the business will be.
Chicken is considered a staple in our culture so the demand is stable. The issues in poultry farming is the disease that can hit the poultry farm. There's also the weather that can kill the chickens when it is too hot. But otherwise the poultry is a profitable business if you know very well the operation especially with the needs of the chickens.
Chicken and eggs are in staple diet all across the globe.And so they are in high demand everywhere. Nowadays I see more and more people going towards natural food and they are prefering chicken and eggs that are grown fed on organic grains and not administered unnecessary antibiotics. But then you need to know it well so that the birds don't get infections and sickness.
Poultry business is only lucrative if you are a wholesaler who has a great client base across the city. You have to talk to retailers and convince them about the reasonable rates you provide and also good services along with delivery time at the right time. You also need good investment for this and probably also need a doctor to check the health of chickens.