Is marketing only the actual selling of goods and services?


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A lot of people today confuse the financial and commercial activity of marketing to the actual buying and selling of goods and services. Well theoretically they are not wrong because marketing of course involves the actual buying of goods and services but also go more in explaining how this goods and services are being brought about first of all as ideas, which of course the second step would be planning financially and actually putting the planning into effective work and action which involves setting up a structure to carry out the business ideas.

Marketing will also involve how to attract customers and clients to patronize the product which the business owner cells or renders, most importantly marketing also covers areas which has to do with branding the products and also making use of promotional strategies like advertisement and publicity. Marketing further explains the branding and a packaging aspects of the goods and services. Marketing itself also explains financial and commercial dealings with one country and another country which obviously will lead to what is known as international marketing and multilateral trade. We must not forget that the whole idea of marketing is so as to make profits out of all the sacrifice and resources put into the production and the actual selling of this goods and services to customers and clients. Marketing is all about satisfaction not basically about profit.