Is blogging a waste of time?


VIP Contributor
Blogging make it pretty much easy for a beginner to start an online business model.

Virtually anyone can do blogging. It is possible to blog even if you are not a writer but you must be ready to assist the job to a good writer in your niche.

That is one of the beauty of blogging it can be hands off. I have a friend who has about 350 posts on his blog and he has never written a sentence.

But one thing people don't know is that blogging can be like writing to a ghost town in which no one replies.

Even you might not receive good traffic on your blog for the first few months. So I want to ask that is blogging a waste of time.


VIP Contributor
To some one who doesn't know what blogging is al about, it will always be like a waste of time because at times, no user will even feel free to make use of comment box. This may happen if the blogger doesn't write some captivating stories that can demand the participation of users.

Good luck

Verified member
Blogging is not a waste of time if one has a very good idea of must have a basic knowledge of what you want to blog and how you think you can generate traffic for such in the sense of the follower of and intended recipient.If all this are known then you are not wasting your time on any unnecessary things.


Active member
It might seem like a time waster at first, especially if you are just trying it out for the first time when you feel the time and energy that you are expending in it is not yielding anything profitable. But if one is consistent and resilient, I believe it will eventually be worth it.