Earn Money If money does not grows on trees, then why banks have branches?


New member
They have branches but not leaves. You put the money in to make the branches green so the banks become trees. Therefore, trees grow from money.. I always knew the question to be :

”if money doesn’t grow on trees, why do banks have branches?”

it is simply a play on the word branches.

The saying “ money doesn’t grow on trees” means that money is scarce and is not easily come by. It is an expression of frugality.

The speaker is comparing tree branches to branches of banks. Since you can associate banks with money and banks have branches, they are trying to draw a similarity between the two


VIP Contributor
Money doesn't grow on the trees, it takes time and hard work to build financial portfolio high. I know you're simply playing fun when you drafted this topic here, you just want to seek attention and peoples comments on this topic. Even the banks that have branches work so hard to get to their stage and earn their status.