How well do you know your blood group in terms of blood transfusions?


New member
There is blood flowing in the veins of every individual and in these blood, there are four type of blood group. A person can become any of these blood group by Inheritance from their parents and it is a trait that remains unalterable in the life of a person.
The antigen in the red blood cell and the antibodies in the plasma determine the type of blood group an individual carries. In blood transfusion, it is ensured that the antigen in the red blood cell of the donor does not mix with the antibody In the plasma of the recipient. The four group of blood in man are: A, B, AB and O.
Let me start from Group O because it is a universal donor. Group O can give blood to all the other blood Group because it has no antigen to contend with the antibody of the other blood groups. Group A can only give blood to Group A and AB. Group B can only give blood to Group B and AB and Group AB can only give blood to Group AB.
In the case of receiving blood from other Blood groups, Group AB is considered as a universal recipient as it has antigens but does not have antibodies that will react with the donors Antigens. Group A can only receive blood from Group A and O. Group B only recieves blood from Group B and O and Group O can only receive blood from Group O because it has antibodies that will cause clotting with the antigens of the other blood Groups.
It is important to know your blood group.