Review How to use Email Verifier to check if an email exists?


Dianna W Scott

2020 is the year of Covid-19, oh forget, is the year of Automation and certainly in the next 5 years, the implementation of Automation from stages is getting more and more important.

Currently, even Facebook is Testing Email Marketing Tools for Business Pages for some accounts in the world market.

In particular, Email Marketing Automation is definitely one of the issues that marketers will be interested in.

To increase the success rate of each Email Marketing campaign, especially Email Marketing Automation, I often check to see if the list of email addresses exists or not?

Today, I share with everyone the email testing tool that exists or not completely free by my own Dropbot dev team, homegrown everyone can use freely, if you have any requirements, don’t Feel free to contact us for more community builds!
  • Feature: Check if email exists or not
  • Purpose: Depending on the needs of each person, you can filter emails before performing the Email Marketing program for example.
  • Limit: 1 time maximum check 1000 emails.
  • Note: Do not save email after check, all is live check.
  • Cost: Free
Used free at: Free Email Verifier — Free Bulk Email Verifier — Email Verification Tool

Upvote for Team Dev at: Email Verifier — Forever free email existance verifier tool for marketing | Product Hunt

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