Business Ideas How to Succeed in Blogging in a Year


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Blogging is one of the most lucrative niches of business online. If you look across the number of people making money online, a blogger would definitely come up in the top ten.

This is a niche that has attracted me, but it's hard to find information on it, specifically finding people who have made it within a year. It doesn't necessarily have to be thousands, but making some money within the first year is my goal.

Now it's hard to find legitimate information, it's either people hide their secrets or you fall prey to those who are just willing to sell an ebook or course that teaches you nothing.
I have spent a fair amount of time learning about blogging and I know how to do things like SEO. What I want now is an in-depth knowledge on how to do it, even if it's a paid course.

Please share any source you can recommend that will be helpful.


VIP Contributor
Even though you frequently hear from people that blogging is one of the best ways to make money online, when you try blogging yourself, you will find that it is really difficult to make money through blogging. in order to blog, you need skills in multi-discipline You need writing skills, web designing skills, SEO skills, and digital marketing skills. The most important aspect of blogging is building traffic. If you don't have traffic, you cannot generate revenue. if you want to earn you need thousands of daily traffic. It takes a lot of time and a lot of effort to build a traffic on your blog. It might take years before you can actually make money from your blog. One of the easiest wats to build traffic on your blog is by sharing on social media, however, in order to build social traffiic, you need a huge following on your social pages.


VIP Contributor
In the past, it was all about getting a blog up and running. You had to be able to write, market, and design.

But today, you don't have to worry about all that. You can focus on your writing and just get started!

Here are some tips on how to succeed in blogging in a year:

1) Write every day. Don't wait until you have time just write! You'll be surprised at how much you've been holding back because of "the perfect time."

2) Write about something you love. If you're passionate about it, people will want to read about it too!

3) Write for your audience. Think about who would be interested in reading your blog posts. write specifically for them!

4) Have fun while writing! If it feels like work, it probably is work and not passion. So make sure that happens when creating content for your audience by having fun with the process!