How To Start A Delivery Business


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If you ever lived in a busy city you'll understand how getting things from one place to another is a pain, if you live in a metropolitan city like Lagos, where you can get stuck in a traffic for 2 hours straight, you'll undoubtedly appreciate this idea.

To start a delivery business you will have to get some basics down like knowing your way around the city either with a Google map or through personal experience, because it'll make no sense to get lost as a delivery guy.

Invest in a vehicle, next line of action is to invest in a motorcycle or a car, this will be used to convey the deliverables from one point to the other, you can brand it if you want but it's really optional.

After getting a vehicle for conveying the items, you'll have to invest in marketing your services, this is where it gets tricky, because if you live in large cities and you run ads on Google or FB and you get customers that are 8KM away from you, it'll make no sense to go and collect the deliverables because the customer won't pay for that, they'll only pay for delivery.

So, you'll want to start from your catchment area, where you can get to easily without much stress.

Get a Google mybusiness account and encourage your customers to leave reviews for you, this will help your visibility.

You can also partner with small scale ecommerce store and deliver for them, it all works both ways.

I hope you enjoy this article please leave a feedback or questions if you have.