How to provide self service options for your business


VIP Contributor
There's a great need to put in place options for self service options for your business as it will help the visitors to the business to find out a lot about the business on their own

Providing self-service the business will help the business to develop and grow better.So what are the different options you can provide for your business to help customers and visitors with self service.

Provide frequently asked questions

You can start by having FAQ section on your website that the visitors can interact with and get answer to the many customers’ questions without them needing to contact any humans.

Install options for reordering

Another self service option is to install a tool or software on the business website that will help the business customers have the self service option to reorder products online

This will help the customers to help themselves to get their needs instead of having to speak to any sales representative before making any purchase

Adopt technological options

This is the technologicsl age you can employ it's tools as well to help the visitors and customers to do self service. it can be about setting up a facebook page to send instant replies to the customer questions
