How to oversee emergencies in an association.


However, preparedness is only one phase of emergency management. Current thinking defines four phases of emergency management: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. Emergency management is the organization and management of the resources and responsibilities for dealing with all humanitarian aspects of emergencies

Step 1: Assess Your Risk
When designing an emergency plan, you have to know what you’re dealing with when it comes to your assets and what could potentially happen to them. Your assets are your people, first and foremost. Other assets may include your facilities, parts and products, intellectual property, technology, office furniture and supplies, and automobiles and/or fleet. All of these assets are at risk when an emergency arises.

What are the emergencies that are most likely to occur? IT outages, weather-related events, power failures, and natural disasters are the most common. But each location where your company operates, including home offices, may have its own variables and risks to assess. Consider the weather and geological events common in those areas, security and IT support in those facilities, the nearest emergency response organizations and hospitals, and the number of employees who may be affected.

Step 2: Survey the Work Environment
Each facility likely differs in design, evacuation routes, surrounding area, and even the demographics of the staff located in each building. Some locations may have handicapped employees, the elderly, or even children in an office daycare. Are there elevators or stairwells? Cubicles or remote rooms? An easy route for emergency vehicles? A staffed front reception desk or onsite warehouse? Are there any hazardous materials stored at any of the locations?

Each of these factors may come into play during an emergency. You should also understand what emergency resources are available in each location, such as overhead sprinkler systems, fire extinguishers, and defibrillators. In the event of an emergency, company leaders and first responders will want to know where these are located.
This reminds me of my personal take on emergencies but not exactly in business. In life there is always the possibility of emergency that usually it is getting sick or figuring in an accident. That is the main reason why people buy insurance policies not really as a protection against accidents or sickness but to receive a consolation in terms of finances when something goes wrong. In the business it is important to practice proper measure with regards to safety in the work place. When the covid virus came to town most of the big companies here declared work from home for 90% of their employees and the office was cleansed every morning (before the start of work). That measure is also to avoid emergencies which can be costly in terms of health and life. Until now the safety measure against covid are still in place especially that the covid cases here seemed to be out of control.
You know most of the times it's pretty hard to actually predict emergency, it happens unexpectedly and in most cases it happens at times we do not have plans for it. One of the best way to handle it as well i believe is to be prepared, how can you be prepared for something you do not know if and when it would happen? Always have it at the back of your mind that anything can happen at anytime, hence have backup plans for incase anything happens, and also have funds kept aside to make use of for when it does happen. If in the end Notting happens no problem.