How to make money without a side hustle

You needn't bother with a side hustle to bring in cash. There are a lot of alternate ways of making additional money. The following are a couple of our top choices:

1. Lease a room in your home on Airbnb.

2. Offer pet-sitting administrations.

3. Mentor understudies in your specialized topic.

4. Sell your specialties on Etsy or at neighborhood fairs and markets.

5. Do unspecialized temp jobs for your neighbors (trim their grass, rake their leaves, and so forth)

6. Take an interest in internet based overviews or pursue Swagbucks.

7. Put resources into penny stocks.

8. Take an interest in center gatherings or clinical investigations.

You can also add yours to the list
You should have given us the definition of a side hustle for us to really understand what you are talking about because on my understanding all those things you just mention are side hustle because it is something you have to do on spare time.

The only one I will agree may likely not be a side business is the number one because it involved renting but it is still a side way of generating some extra money for yourself , so I still consider it to be a side hustle.

Personally I understand side business to be the type of business that you are doing expecting to generate you some extra money and not really something you really have to depend on because you have your main business you are doing.

As a result of this anything that is able to generate you some money will always be a side business because you are not considering it as your only source of income.

Personally I consider anything you are doing to generate an extra income to be a side business and this may involve anything , even if you have to sell clothes or to sell your property. That's just how consider it.
Most of what you listed can be seen as side hustles because most of them cannot really fetch a reasonable amount of money. Side hustles are something you can do in your free time while keeping your main job in order to make some cool amount of money.

Taking online surveys on swagbucks and other platforms can be seen as a side hustle because they cannot really be your main source of income.

There is no way taking online surveys can noy be main source of income because there is no assurance that you would be getting steady surveys.

If you really want to talk about things that will fetch you money and you depend on them then you should be talking about cryptocurrency trading, forex trading, affiliate marketing and so many of them. YouTube can also fetch you money that would sustain you.

These are things you can take as your full-time job and make a whole lot of money from them on the long run. I have seen a lot of people who don't do any other job than working on the internet and some of the work they do are blogging, affiliate marketing, cryptocurrency trading and so many other profitable works on the internet.