How To Make Money As A Mobile barber.


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Business is always about invention and barbing is not left out, if we look at our streets they're full of barbing saloons because it's one of the ever green businesses, people will always cut their hair for different reasons.

Also, barbing is not a capital intensive you can start earning as a barber without spending a dime, by being an apprentice to a barber, it might take time but the moment you've mastered the skills your principal might start paying you a stipend.

But let's take it a step further, you can make money by being a mobile barber without having a physical shop.

I think even if you have a barber shop you can integrate this into your services.

Mobile barbing means meeting your clients at their residence and giving them a cut, it will be very welcomed by people with a tight schedule, male students in universities, corporate individuals and also people with a social status will welcome the idea.

After aquiring the skill, go ahead and print flyers and meet these people face to face and sell your self to them, you can even offer to give them a free cut to show them how good you are.

While I was a student I have a mobile barber that always come to my hostel to barb me.
This is a great way to make money in this dire period. No handy work is useless in my own thought! Barbing is a good work, especially if you are good at it. Mobile barbing is an advantage, cos when you go to meet people at their houses to barb them, definitely you would charge them more, so more money for you.
In my town there are services that operate through mobile apps and websites. If you need any kind of service, you will have to book an appointment through the app or website and make a payment through cards or other methods. The service provider will come to your house and deliver the service. If you are a service provider yourself, you can join these program and start earning money by offering your services.
There is a popular app in my town that helps service providers to connect with customers. While service providers can register on the app, customers can order required services via the app, and the service will be delivered to the customers' location. The service includes hair cut, pedicure, manicure, hair massage, facial, etc.
As a barber normally, you can actually make more income simply because hair is what will always grow back and the fact that people wants to look in vogue, I think this is the advantage that barbers take to earn good money for themselves. As a mobile barber, it means you can actually barb for your customers at any location, I think this is a good idea, doing this, it is not a must you have a shop. The good part is that you can always ask for extra charges from your clients as a home service charges, which is usually more greater than the regular price