How to know when your personal assistant is going overboard


VIP Contributor
I've been reading some random personal assistant posts today, and it's got me thinking about how to know when your personal assistant is going overboard. I'm not talking about the kind of overkill that leads to assistants being fired. I'm talking about the kind of overkill that makes you wonder if you're paying enough attention to your own needs. The most common problem I see with personal assistants is that they tend to take on too much. They might be doing a good job, but they're also taking on all kinds of other tasks, which means they aren't spending enough time on their primary job. When this happens, you can tell by looking at how things are going in their area of responsibility: If they're not getting things done well enough or quickly enough, then they're probably overextending themselves.

It’s easy to get caught up in the idea of having your very own personal assistant. The more you think about it, the more you want it. And then, when you actually do have a personal assistant, things go wrong. If you don’t know how to handle a bad personal assistant, you’ll find yourself in the same situation over and over again — getting frustrated and feeling like everything is falling apart.

There are a few ways to tell if your assistant is going overboard:

They keep bringing up things they should be doing themselves. If they ask you to do something that seems like it would be an easier task for them than for you — or if they want to do something that might be helpful but is much more effort for them than for you — then this is a sign that they’re overstepping their bounds.

They start asking questions about your personal life without ever checking with you first. It might be hard not to feel sorry for your assistants who have no idea what’s going on with their bosses (or maybe even their bosses’ families), but this kind of behavior can also get annoying quickly. If they start asking questions about whether or not something happened in your family and some sort.