How to increase the traffic of an Instagram account?


New member
he method I am going to give may seem tedious, but you can really create a strong bond if you do (I tested for several months and it is very interesting in terms of feedback) It consists, I would say, almost simply, of being human.
Let me explain You will select piles on which you can address people that you want to have as subscribers. Then you go directly, you interact with them.

That is to say that you will like their posts, you will comment, you will subscribe to them
As a result, they'll be curious whether you're a face account or not (if you write consistent comments, they'll see it straight away)
And you will not only have more visits, but also more new subscribers
This is a strategy that I explains rightly. And there is an app that lets you do that, via chrome, it's dollar eighty

You download the chrome extension and you can start applying it quietly, that's all