How to Get Rid of Dry Skin in Winter


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If you're experiencing dry skin in winter, there are a few things you can do to help your skin stay supple and healthy. Below are three suggestions for maintaining moisture in your skin throughout the cold months:

1. Dab on some moisturizing lotion before you get out of the shower the water will help it absorb into your skin!

2. Use a hydrating body wash and scrub once or twice a week, especially when you wake up in the morning. This will help remove any dead skin cells that have accumulated overnight, which can make your skin feel rough and flaky.

3. If you have particularly dry patches of skin on your elbows, knees or other areas where clothing often rubs against them, try using a thick layer of body lotion at night before bedtime so that it sits on top of the surface cells while they're asleep and keeps them from drying out completely overnight (since they won't be exposed to air).