How to enjoy your work.


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Many people find it hard to enjoy what they do for a living. Especially when it comes to hard work, they think that no one should work full day for a full days wage. It is not worth it. Is this true? How can you find enjoyment in your work? The following suggestions can help.
1. Cultivate a positive view or work. There is benefit in every kind of hard work. Work is a honorable way of taking care of our needs. It also also contributes to our self respect. Always know this.
2. Apply yourself to your work. Many people do not like doing what they are not good at. So if they are not good in their job it will be hard to enjoy it. So put in effort to improve in your work.
3. Focus on how your work benefit others. Try to think and highlight ways in which your work have impact on others. The more you see what good you are achieving with your work the more you will likely enjoy it.
4. Sometimes, go the extra mile. Don't just do what is required of you, find ways you can do more occasionally. You are in control of your actions and you are doing more willingly, not that you are forced. This will make you feel good about yourself and your work.
5. Keep work in it's proper place. Don't overwork. Find a balance between work and other activities like resting, having fun, going out with others etc. If all you do is work, you will find it hard to enjoy it. Couple work with other activities.


Valued Contributor
To enjoy one's, work, an individual needs to develop passion that would propel him to always work hard. Without passion, it would be completely difficult to love your work and put in the right energy as expected of you. So in addition to all you listed, passion is also key in helping someone enjoy his work. Don't venture into something you are not passionate about.