How To Engage Better With Your Customers

Adrian Nichola

Active member
Engage better with your customers & make good use of online video. If you don’t already have a presence on the main social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn (oh yes, and Google+ too...) and then you should do, as people will already be talking about and discussing you on these platforms, so you should really join in.

They’re great ways to engage with your customers, inform them of your services and give help when they need it. If you need a helping hand managing your profile on all the different networks, try a management platform such as Hootsuite or SocialPilot. Don’t forget that there are other ways of engaging with your customers too, though.

I’m talking about the old-fashioned traditional method of standing a meter or two away from someone and speaking using your mouth. Go to events, organise meetups and offer to pay your clients a visit once in a while to catch up and review how well you’re working together. It will pay dividends, literally.

You should also make sure you’re making effective use of online video to promote your brand, explain things to your customers or inspire and motivate your employees. Study after study has shown how much more people take in and remember from watching a video rather than reading text, so if you’re not using video then this really is a wasted opportunity.

Plus, it’s often reckoned that Google favours websites which include good videos as it considers them to be rich in high-quality content and thus better for visitors, so you’ll be more likely to turn on the first page of search results.
You have written an insightful post on better engagement between customers and businesses, A fruitful engagement with your existing and potential customers helps in flourishing your business. Your idea of using online videos and social media for better engagement is very good. Also, i completely agree with you that attending events and trade shows and speaking about your product is very impactful. It is helpful in communicating with your customers face to face in real time. It will surely pay dividends in long term.