How to earn money in gold


New member
As we know Gold has always been a popular and smart investment in India as well as other countries.many people purchase gold to keep that for tough times but many of them keep as long term investment. So the answer is yes you can also make money in gold by

Firstly:compare the offers of special buyers before selling.

Secondly: do not trust buyers who are not interested in the weight of gold and precious stone during the evacuation process.

Thirdly:do not lose sign of your jewelry ,as there are dishonest buyers who can discreetly replaces stone with cheaper ones.
Check if the scales on which the product will be weighted are set correctly.
In today's economy, many people are looking for new ways to make money. If you're looking to earn a little money on the side, consider investing in gold. Gold is an excellent investment because it is rare, beautiful, and much sought after. You can buy different types of gold from most department stores and coin shops.

The type of gold you invest in should be determined by your goals. If you're interested in keeping your investment for a long time, consider buying 24k gold coins or bars. These will be more expensive than other forms of gold but are often worth the price due to their good resale value and sentimental appeal.

You may want to buy less expensive forms of gold if you plan to sell them quickly or use them as gifts. For example, you can buy silver jewelry, which is cheaper than gold but still valuable. If you're looking for an inexpensive gift that's still great quality, consider buying pendants or necklaces with 14k earrings or 18k bracelets.

Gold has many uses other than just being an investment or gift; it also increases property value if installed in light fixtures and can be used to protest property taxes. It may cost a bit upfront but will save you money in the long run!
I will want to point out that before you can make any reasonable investment in gold you will have to have had a lot of money as the precious jewelries are usually not cheap to come by. Again I will advise that you should be registered with the appropriate authorities in case of any issues that might arise from your buying or selling. No matter what whenever you are making a buying agreement it will be done physically and you should wear the Jewellery accordingly before you are going to make payments because of clones that might be have done.