How to develop the habit of controlling prohibited food and drinks


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The diabetologist of my niece said that the willpower for controlling the prohibited food and drinks is the failure of diabetics. They feel that they are deprived of good food. Some even fall into depression and they lose much weight.

One way to develop the habit of control is to hang to your faith. Religious people are known to be obedient in the issue of prohibition. Another means is to practice yoga that will help you develop self control. Even the athletes have their own mental preparation during the training that they couldn’t eat prohibited food. If salty food is against your kidney then think of the pain that it can cause you. If they can do it then anyone can do it. You just need the proper mind conditioning.


VIP Contributor
You spoke well dear, even athletes avoid foods which isn't acceptible in their system in order to keep them fit to play their favorite game of sports. So anyone who wants to stay healthy based on doctors advise, should stay away from prohibited kinds of food , in order to stay healthy.