How To Curl Hair At Home: A Step-By-Step Guide


You can curl your hair at home in just a few easy steps. The secret is using a heat-resistant glove and a curling wand.

Here's how to do it:

1. Use conditioner after soaking your hair using warm water in the beginning.

2. Gently comb through your hair with the comb attachment of your curling wand, trying to keep it as close to your scalp as possible.

3. Hold the glove in one hand and stand behind a chair or table where you can place the glove over both hands and your head, so that you're not holding anything up against the back of your neck while curling your hair with the other hand.

4. Using long, gentle strokes, work from root to tip on each section of hair until it's approximately half-way down your head (this is how much length you want).

5. Once you've reached about halfway down your head, take out one hand from underneath the glove and wrap it around one section of hair closest to its root (this will help create more tension as you pull tighter with this particular section).