How to Build an Emergency Fund

Leah Kelvin

Active member
An important step towards financial stability is creating an emergency fund. In the case of unexpected expenses or job loss, an emergency fund acts as a financial buffer. Here are some ways to create an emergency fund:

1. Determine Your Target: Decide how much you need to save for your emergency fund. Most financial advisers recommend saving at least 3-6 months’ worth of living costs. However, this may change depending on factors such as level of job security, family situation and health.

2. Create a Budget: Making a budget is one of the most important things to do in order to build up your emergency funds. Take a look at all your income and expenditures so that you can identify areas where you can make cuts hence save more money. Have a target amount that you will be saving per month and always prioritize depositing some cash into your emergency savings account.

3. Choose the Right Savings Account: Select a savings account with high interest rates and no fees attached to it; usually internet bank accounts come in handy here because they have higher rates compared to traditional banks.

4. Automate Your Savings: By setting monthly automatic transfers from checking account into one’s personal savings/checkings, this allows for consistent savings and stops unnecessary spending on other items.