How to Ace an SEO interview


VIP Contributor
The best way to ace an SEO interview is to show that you know your stuff. You can do this in three ways:
1. Get as much experience as possible before the interview. Read about SEO, practice using it, and learn about different types of search engines and how they work.

2. Come to the interview with a plan of what you're going to say. Write out a list of questions or topics that you want to cover and make sure you are prepared with answers for each one. You should also write down some examples of your work (if applicable).

3. Be prepared for any questions they might ask that you don't know the answer to! If they ask something that you don't know, just be honest about that fact, but don't be afraid to admit it! The interviewer will appreciate your honesty and will likely give you more time if he or she sees that you genuinely want to learn more about their field than just regurgitate information from a book or website. To be frank, no matter how hard you try, interviewers will always that confusing question they throw at you. Don't panic, compose yourself. Ensure you don't limit yourself to SEO alone, questions can come from any part of Marketing, ppc, off-page, on-page andbkeword optimization for example.