How Retardation in the First Months of Life of Baby occur.


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Some children who are healthy when they are born do not grow well. They become mentally slow because the do not eat enough nutritious food. During the first few months of life the brain develops more rapidly than at any other time.

For this reason the nutrition of the newborn is of great importance. Breast milk is the best food for a baby.

To help prevent mental retardation or birth defects in her child, a woman should do thee things:

(1) Do not marry a cousin or other close relative.

(2) Eat as well as possible during pregnancy as much as meat,eggs, fruit, and vegetables as you can .

(3) Use iodized salt instead of regular salt,especially during pregnancy.

(4) Do not smoke or drink heavily during pregnancy.

(5) While pregnant, avoid medicines whenever possible - us only those known to be safe.

(6) While pregnant , keep away from persons with German measles.


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Pregnant ladies should watch what they do in order to help the unborn children. It is hundred percent sure that whatever the pregnant womsn does will surely affect the unborn children. That's why it is not advisbable to be taken heavy drinks during pregnancy. This will help in improving the mental health of a child.