Asking for How much money can you really make as a freelance Web designer?

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According to, the median employees salary ranges from about $51,000 to about $76,000 USD depending on your level of experience. Can this money be make by website designer within a month because this amout look unrealistic and not achiveable.

I belive a freelace web designer can make maybe within $1000-$3000 per month, any amout exceeding these is just too much. Guys tell me what you think.
Well what that article failed to put into perspective is that most web designers are freelancers and they have total autonomy on what they make, if I want to make a lot of money this month, I will just have to call more people in an industry that has a lot of $$$ and close some deals that is all what you need.

You do not need a glassdoor website to tell what you are capable of earning you can make way more than that if you position yourself in that line, just be a winner, go out there and get clients, get people to buy your services and you will make enough, salary is actually not an indicator for earning potential, you can also create a bootcamp and teach other people web design this will help you in making passive income, all these rely on the individual and what they are willing to for for success.