How does savings affect the economy?


Higher saving rate will generally lead to higher levels of economic output, up to a point. As personal saving contributes to investment, all else equal, a higher saving rate will result in a higher level of physical capital over time, allowing the economy to produce more goods and services. When national savings decreases, the economy does not build up its capital stock so quickly, so future living standards are lower than they would otherwise be.
The estimation results found that savings have a negative and statistically significant effect both in the short-run and long-run on economic growth in Nigeria, noting that low savings negatively influenced the economic growth in Nigeria. Saving money helps navigate tricky situations, meet financial obligations, and build wealth. Saving money is vital. It provides financial security and freedom and secures you in a financial emergency. By saving money, you can avoid debt, which relieves stress.

* Use these money-saving tips to generate ideas about the best ways to save money in your day-to-day life.

1. Eliminate Your Debt
If you're trying to save money through budgeting but still carrying a large debt burden, start with the debt. Not convinced? Add up how much you spend servicing your debt each month, and you'll quickly see. Once you're free from paying interest on your debt, that money can easily be put into savings. A personal line of credit is just one option for consolidating debt so you can better pay it off.

2. Set Savings Goals
One of the best ways to save money is by visualizing what you are saving for. If you need motivation, set saving targets along with a timeline to make it easier to save. Want to buy a house in three years with a 20 percent down payment? Now you have a target and know what you will need to save each month to achieve your goal. Use Regions savings calculators to make your goal!

3. Pay Yourself First
Set up an auto debit from your checking account to your savings account each payday. Whether it's $50 every two weeks or $500, don't cheat yourself out of a healthy long-term savings plan.

4. Stop Smoking
No, it's certainly not easy to quit, but if you smoke a pack and a half every day, that amounts to nearly $3,000 a year you can realize in savings if you quit. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the percentage of Americans who smoke cigarettes is now below 20 percent for the first time since at least the mid-1960s — join the club!

5. Take a "Staycation"
Though the term may be trendy, the thought behind it is solid: instead of dropping several thousand on airline tickets overseas, look in your own backyard for fun vacations close to home. If you can't drive the distance, look for cheap flights in your region.

6. Spend to Save
Let's face it, utility costs seldom go down over time, so take charge now and weatherize your home. Call your utility company and ask for an energy audit or find a certified contractor who can give you a whole-home energy efficiency review. This will range from easy improvements like sealing windows and doors all the way to installing new insulation, siding or ENERGY STAR high-efficiency appliances and products. You could save thousands in utility costs over time.

7. Utility Savings
Lowering the thermostat on your water heater by 10°F can save you between 3-5 percent in energy costs. And installing an on-demand or tankless water heater can deliver up to 30 percent savings compared with a standard storage tank water heater.

8. Pack Your Lunch
An obvious money-saving tip is finding everyday savings. If buying lunch at work costs $7, but bringing lunch from home costs only $2, then over the course of a year, you can create a $1250 emergency fund or make a significant contribution to a college plan or retirement fund.

9. Create an Interest-Bearing Account
For most of us, keeping your savings separate from your checking account helps reduce the tendency to borrow from savings from time to time. If your goals are more long-term, consider products with higher yield rates like a Regions CD or Regions Money Market account for even better savings.

10. Annualize Your Spending
Do you pay $20 a week for snacks at the vending machine at your office? That's $1,000 you're removing from your budget for soda and snacks each year. Suddenly, that habit adds up to a substantial sum.


VIP Contributor
You may frown on this comment but an economist said that when there is more savings then that is not good for the economy. My nephew is a college professor so I have to believe in him. People who do not have savings tend to borrow money which invigorates the lender, the banks or the informal lenders. Think if all of us have a good amount in the bank then no one will borrow money and the bank may be saddled with deposits that it cannot pay interest anymore. The best gauge for the economy is the interest rate that the bank gives. Now the interest rate for time deposit is a fraction of 1% per year which is very, very minimal. That means there are more money in the bank than what is needed. When people would be borrowing money because they have no savings then the interest rate in the bank will go up because the bank would need deposits so they can have money to lend.

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