How do I get rid of diabetes?


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One has reversed his diabetes in 12 months which she had for 15 years. she used to take medicines worth Rs.1800 per month. Presently it is nil. And in spite of that my fasting sugar is under 100 mg/dl and 2 hours after meal value is under 140mg/dl.
The changes you can make are as follows:
1 Eat only 2 times a day. Only water otherwise. No tea (except green tea), coffee, soft drinks, prasad(small offerings), biscuits or chocolates, paan(beetle nut leave), etc.
2 Stop eating sweets, pizza, pasta, bread, biscuits, fruit juices, junk food, etc.
3 Reduce intake of grain such as wheat, rice, jowar(millets), etc., and add almond, walnut, groundnut, flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, watermelon seeds. Add eggs to your diet. They provide good nutrition without adding carbs to your diet. You can take chicken and fish. One can even totally stop consuming grain for some time till fasting sugar drops under 125 mg/dl when tested without taking medicines.
4 Eat plenty of salad and vegetables are grown above-ground including leafy green. This could be as much as 500–600 gms a day when measured raw. But no potatoes, sweet potatoes, yam, sago, etc.
5 Take only a moderate quantity of fruit (less than 250 gm a day). Avoid mango, cheeks (sapota), seetafal (custard apple). Initially, you can even avoid taking fruit till your medicines are reduced substantially.
6 Do cardio exercise. Walk every day 6500 steps (5 km) in less than one hour. More walking the better. However, this is not essential for those who cannot do extensive walking. Do as much as you can.
7 If you are taking medicines, check HbA1c every month and ask your doctor to reduce medicines every time it falls under 6. Otherwise, you will suffer from excess medicines i.e. hypoglycemia.
Your diabetes will be reversed in 9-12 months if you follow the above guidelines religiously. Continue to live this way indefinitely.
Best wishes.
Diabetes is a genetic disease. Itcan also cause many problems like heart attack etc. There are many ways to control it. The best way is to do morning walk. A person who has diabetes should avoid oily foods and take possible prevention to contol it. People should drink bittergourd juice.
One has to know their diabetes well before trying to treat it or control it. One can beautifully manage life with diabetes by being disciplined and making some lifestyle changes. Diabetes of all kinds can definitely be reversed with a disciplined life with healthy choices in lifestyle, diet changes and exercises. But freedom from diabetes is one thing that might be a challenge. When I say freedom, I mean to say that when you can eat what your heart wants and to your full content and still your sugars stay normal. That doesn't happen. Once you are diabetic, you can stay non diabetic and off medicine making all the changes. But once you are off the track, you will be back to the diabetes and that's tricky. So, constant monitoring and a strict discipline is definitely needed.
Also, your type of diabetes will play a crucial role. Type 2 is easier to reverse but then tyoe 1 and Type 1.5 are the autoimmune disorders and they are tougher to get rid off. But then they too can be reversed to some extent ( reduced doses of insulin and medication) by following all that is needed...a healthy lifestyle, healthy diet and exercise.
There should be more enlightenment on diabetes before people take it seriously. Diabetes is very rare to have except if hereditary factor is considered.

Eating too much of sugar may not be yardstick for having diabetes except of course if the person is not untilising the sugar content. This is because the body also needs sugar.

One only needs to be wary of some lifestyles that may cause diabetes which may involve taking of alcohol, eating of junks and some other unhealthy activities.

If you are the type that loves taking soft drink, then there must be need for regular exercise or some strenuous activities that will use up the sugar having been converted to energy
Diabetes is in my bloodline. My father died of renal failure due to effects of diabetes. His mother was diabetic and his paternal grandmother had a toe removed due to diabetes. My 2 siblings are diabetic. I am so glad that my latest blood chemistry results showed that I am not diabetic with a fasting blood sugar of 101 - the normal is up to 99 only but 2 points is not considered diabetic yet. I don't shy away from sugary foods. In fact, my morning drink is either milk with chocolate powder or orange juice. But I have noticed that I am not fond of ice cream or cake. Maybe that is contributory to diabetes that is why most diabetic people I know are fond of sweets. My exercise is also regular in the morning and I also walk a kilometer to the market (back and forth) to add to my physical activity. I guess it is more of the physical activities that fight off the onset of diabetes. Try to be more active.
To add to what you have said, for a diabetic patient to actually treat this issue, they need to first understand the cause of it. Some people have the mindset that it is only caused by old age, so when they see a young person having it they tend to be judgemental. Truth of the matter is most times it is not caused by old age, it could be that your body is not taking producing enough insulin, or the insulin produced by your body is not being used.
These are the things you need to find out first before starting treatment.
There should be more enlightenment on diabetes before people take it seriously. Diabetes is very rare to have except if hereditary factor is considered.

Eating too much of sugar may not be yardstick for having diabetes except of course if the person is not untilising the sugar content. This is because the body also needs sugar.

One only needs to be wary of some lifestyles that may cause diabetes which may involve taking of alcohol, eating of junks and some other unhealthy activities.

If you are the type that loves taking soft drink, then there must be need for regular exercise or some strenuous activities that will use up the sugar having been converted to energy
I disagree a bit here. Though Diabetes is hereditary like any other disease, hereditary is not the only reason. If it was so, diabetes would have not become so rampant. It's spreading like wild fire and so we can not leave or ignore other factors like environment and lifestyle. And it has been proved well with scientific evidences and statistics that stress and trauma are major causes for diabetes. I have no family history of diabetes. But I was diagnosed with type 1.5 diabetes ( LADA) diabetes at the age of trauma pf PPH was the cause to onset it. Not my lifestyle or any other external factors. Some trauma damaged my pituitary and the hormonal imbalances followed after that and I got diabetes.
Also Type 1 diabetes is from birth and genetics is sited as the main reason. But then not all in the family get it. The genes might express in one child and not in other siblings. Moreover, many a times children of type 1 diabetics need not have it though there is a high chance of getting it if it's in the family.
Recently, number of diabetics around the world has increased. Obesity and stress,, unhealthy eating along with sedentary lifestyle are the culprits. They all induce insulin resistance and that is the major cause of type 2 diabetes.