How do I find a business idea

Builder Samuel

New member

All good, bad and ugly ideas comes through observation whether we realize it or not.

Observe the people around you, observe the circumstances around you and observe the problems around you. Observe and let the observation sink in. Analyze the observations, process them and you will come up with ideas. Filter those and keep the awesome one, rejecting the other not so awesome one’s. The key is, coming up with a solution for the issues people are facing.

Now, how do you become a good observer:
1. By being a good listener.
2. By not jumping to conclusions.
3. By responding rather than reacting.
4. By taking out some time for yourself and processing the observations.
5. By talking of ideas rather than people or things with your friends.


Verified member
If you want to use this method of observation to find a good business idea, you have to be very vigilant and you also have to know what to look out for. The first step should be knowing what the features of a good business idea are.

You can see the need for a need product or service by observation, but it may be that there isn't a large enough market for it. Or it may be a seasonal need only.

You can use this method of observation with other ones to make sure you are on the right path and one of the easiest I've seen is carrying out an online survey of what people are saying or asking of concerning that niche, product or service. The higher the demand, the more you'll get information about it.

If it's an offline based idea, it is best to go out and do physical research on the demand and competition. If you can get someone doing the same thing to guide you, that's even better.


Valued Contributor
This is very true. Being observant is one of the best ways to come up with new business ideas. An observant person will identify problems that people are facing in the society and so they will be able to come up with solutions through starting a business. Just knowing that there is a gap somewhere is enough to make you start making plans on how to close that gap.

Being observant means being a very good listener. It is through what people say that you will know what they need. People love complaining a lot and so an observant person will listen to their complaints and sell them something that will solve the problem that they are going through.

Another way to be an observant person is through being an avid reader. Readers always have very good ideas and knowledge. It is through this that you can even decide on what business to ficus on. Which becomes even better because you can read about how something and do it practically to earn money.

Lastly, to be observant, you need to build the habit of talking with people. This coupled up with good listening skills is very good for an entrepreneur. Talking about business ideas is the best way to actualize them.