How can I advertise and market a product that is new?


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For a new business and a new business owner, how can one advertise and Market a product that is new to people?
Many business and products that are not new to people are been or being advertised in many ways. Either online or offline. Still such products has it own challenges, how can someone promote a product that is new to consumer? I have seen many popular companies pay huge amount for advertment and marketers.
For a product that is new to people, many consumers might find it difficult to believe in the product, some will still prefer to the purchase the old prduct becuase it has been used by them before and they know how it works.
How can one advertise and market a new product that is new to people in to make it popular?


VIP Contributor
This reminds me of the toy called yo-yo which became popular because of the annual contents. There was a time that Coca Cola was even a sponsor of the yoyo. Anyway, when the yoyo was introduced the market base was targeted. They gave away yoyos to kids and organized events. Maybe you can do that with your product.


VIP Contributor
There are several ways or methods in which you can use to market your new product. One of them is creating a social media presence which is absolutely free of charge if you can do your homework or very well by being very active and connecting with a lot of groups such as Facebook groups. if you have money you can opt in for Facebook advertisement which is really very popular and good for new businesses.


VIP Contributor
The essence of you advertising it, is to garner lots of attention for your new products. Through your description you'll come to make it known to people who doesn't know about it. That's an awesome way of bringing new items/products to people and winning over people to purchase your products that is new in the market.


VIP Contributor
If you are somebody who is just starting out in business or launching a new product I would advise you to go home awareness campaigns. This kind of campaigns is aimed at penetrating the market but then you will have to do something groundbreaking like offering them good discounts or other forms of promotion.