Hepatitis C


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Hepatitis C causes serious liver damage and it is spread through contaminated blood
Symptoms of hepatitis C
1. Itchy skin
2. Fatigue
3. Poor appetite
5. Bleeding easily
6. Dark coloured urine
7. jaundice
8. Bruising easily
9. Swelling legs
10. Drowsiness
Causes of hepatitis C
1. If you are working in an hospital and the needle of an infected person Pierce's your skin you have indirectly get to exposed to the infected blood which can make you to also have the virus
2. Have HIV
3. Were born by a woman who is infected the hepatitis C virus
4. Using an unsterile equipment for piercing or tattoo In an unclean environment or even a public place
5. Being in prison can also make you contact the hepatitis c virus
I think those are the way that we can contact the virus


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That is why it is not good to share your personal stuff with people because you don't who has contacted the disease


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Does that are working in the lab it is very important for them to be careful so as not to get infected with all this kind of disease


Active member
Hepatitis c can be contacted through contaminated food too,but can be cure ,the side effect of hepatitis c is dark urine bleeding easily, jaudice, swelling legs it can be cure by it self,if you are working in the hospital you must be very careful because of used injection by the patient


VIP Contributor
Hepatitis c virus is one of the most chronic infections that can be gotten from hepatitis. One of the early signs of the hepatitis c infection is a Marked dark urine and the best thing will be sweating in a way that it is not normal. There are antiretroviral drugs that can help to subdue the viral load.


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Hepatitis C ( HVC ) as they commonly called is a viral illness it is also known as infection of the liver. Research let us know that in the united state of America alone, about 3.9 million people has this disease. At first, bar those symptoms you mentioned above, studies shows that this disease shows few or no symptoms which make those that has it unaware of the presence of this disease in their body.

As previously mentioned above, Hepatitis C virus ( HVC) is a viral infection that causes liver inflammation, which may sometimes leads to serious liver damages. Hepatitis C can be contacted through contaminated blood such as sharing needle, or any other body fluids. Studies also shoes that an Hepatitis infected pregnant woman can pass the infection to her baby during birth of her child. Hepatitis C can also be contacted through sexual contact with infected person.

The first stage of hepatitis C virus in human blood is acute Hepatitis C this is said to be from the day you contacted the infection to some few months, And after 6 months, if it was not treated or diagnosed then the infection will developed to Chronic Hepatitis C which is said to be the dangerous one be it can damage the liver .