Have You Noticed That Email Marketing is Dying Gradually?


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Previously, email marketing was a very good way to make money by selling your product because you get to chat with your clients one on one but for now it seems thing are gradually changing. Email marking was enabling more people to make more sales and without a doubt it is still in use today but I can tell you is not working as the way it was previously

I think we all have emails and you can be my witness that you have more emails in you inbox that you have never bother yourself to even check what is it it. I have bout thousands of unread emails in my inbox and I also receive more messages daily which I can never spend time on reading them and the only thing I can do is to delete most of them. This is the reason why email marketing is gradually collapsing because most people will not get time to read your messages via emails. This is what I'm seeing about email marketing or maybe you see it in a different way?