Growing potted herbs for sale


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One business that is getting popular here is the potted herb. You can start with the mint because it is very prolific and it is also attractive to sell. The pot to be used is the plastic bottle of soda. Cut it crosswise in the middle and the lower part is your base. Place the upper part in an inverted position on the bottom and that will be your pot for the herb. Of course, you have to put soil or planting material of your choice before the actual planting of the herb.

The herb does not need fertilizer as long as there is good sunshine and water. The watering of herbs is minimal and your pot is self-watering if there is water in the bottom part of your pot. That is one advantage with herbs because it is easy to grow. With the costing, it would depend on the kind of herb that you have planted so you have to do your research on the market prices.
This is a nice business idea as there is always a market for potted herbs especially here in Africa. There are laws set up by African governments to complement medicines with herbs and as such farmers into herbs planting and selling would make a killing from the business. Seeing that the herbs doesn't need fertilizer for growth further increases the profits for farmers as there wouldn't be much costs associated with potted herbs business.