Fruits and vegetables


Active member
Have you ever asked yourself why medical doctors and experts in nutrition always advice that people should eat plenty of fruits and vegetables? They must have major advantages for health. What are they?

Fruits and vegetables contain substances that make people strong. This is why people just recovering from major illnesses are always advised to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. The elephant, Buffalo, hippopotamus, gorilla, horse, camel and cow eats fruits and vegetables. They do not eat meat. They are vegetarian. Some call them herbivores.

Fruits and vegetables works as medicine in the body. They have substances that work in the various organs of the body. They have substances that work in the various organs of the body and make them healthy. Apart from giving immediate energy, banana, for example, helps to reduce blood pressure and heart burn. Carrot are good for the eye and skin. The green liquid in vegetables keep the liver clean and healthy. It is called chlorophyll.

One major advantage of vegetable and fruits is that they are cheap and readily available. One can easily grow vegetables in the backyard.

In the olden days, our forefathers used to plant fruits and vegetables in their backyard and they got a lot of benefit from it. Those where the days when a parent would walk to the backyard, cut a few leaves of bitter leaf and squeeze the juice into the mouth of a child clutching his stomach. Within 5mins, the stomach ache would cease.
So, start and end your day eating fruits and vegetables.


Verified member
Before I give my contribution to this wonderful health post , I which to commend you on this amazing and helpful information you shared.

Indeed fruits and vegetables contains phytochemicals ( phytochemicals are compounds like tannis , alkaloids , saponins , etc which are gotten mainly from plants , especially vegetables and have medical efficacy ) .

some fruits have been proven by research to have the ability to reduce the rate at which cancer spreads .
Vegetables on its own are very essential in diets for healthy growth and good living.

This is why doctors will always advise people , especially the aged people to take adequate fruits. Fruits are best taken before and after meal , I. order to aid digestion.


VIP Contributor
Definitely, you are right about veggies and fruits have components that are very healthy to the body shop as such humsns needs to heed and eat more of them than the meat and carbohydrates foods we eat. Even for one looking to lose weight it is ideal to eat more of veggies and fruits to give the body the nutrients it needs after a workout than eating hesvy foods that would marred the process. The good thing is that there are a lot cheaper and there are everywhere

Deleted member 27180

The importance of regular consumption of fruits and vegetables cannot be overemphasized. Their benefits and functions to our health are innumerable. I will like to add also that taking of oranges after meals helps in the movement of the bowels. This is particularly very important for people suffering from constipation and indigestion. As, u also stated, it is highly recommended that recuperating patient should consume fruits like oranges, bananas and watermelon. This is better than giving them snacks and soft drinks which are of high sugar levels which might interfere with the body's metabolism at the time, especially aged people.


New member
Consumption of fruits and vegetables are very important to the human body. Vegetables and fruits are highly recommended by health professionals as they tend to repair so many tissues in the human body. People battling with diabetes can control their blood sugar by consuming enough fruits and vegetables. Also people battling with obesity can equally regulate their weight by consuming more fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables will keep us healthy.


New member
Regular intake of vegetables and fruit builds a strong immune system in the long run. Taking vegetables and fruit have a lot of health benefits for those with lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, cancer, hypertension, obesity etc. A diet containing regular amount of vegetables and fruits Is good for both young and elderly. Many of the fruits and vegetables have anti-ageing property (antioxidant) to keep people young and strong. Becoming a full vegetarian offers maximum benefits but it takes discipline and determination. Being a vegetarian is desirable but not many people can become a vegetarian.


Lots of fruits and vegetables are very good and important for the body. They contains essential vitamins the body needs to grow and stay strong. They help the antibodies to remain strong against any form of external intrusives which may wants into the body. Even when gotten into the body, this antibodies are gallant to fight any for of diseases with the help of their vitamins A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E and do on. Vegetables aids digestion and also supply the body the necessary vitamins.


Make your food your medicine and your medicine your food. As much as they have good nutrients they are also medicinal. One other thing I have learned more especially about fruits is that when you take them in an empty stomach (probably after drinking water in the morning), they help the digestive system to function properly and also prevent the blackening under the eyes.

Ozigba Richard Lamai

Active member
Fruit and vegetable are very important to the health of humans they helped to boost the white blood cell of humans, it is advisable that we take fruits and vegetable all the time this will keep us healthy and enable us not to fall sick all the time. Research has proven it that people who take fruit and vegetable all the time hardly fall sick. So advise everyone today to take fruits and vegetable because it's also part of the six classes of food.


New member
I am Japanese. I eat only one meal a day, so I eat very little vegetables or fruits. I regret that it is bad for my health. However, it is very difficult to supplement the daily vegetable and fruit nutrients with a diet.


VIP Contributor
Thank you for this information ,Have understand animals in the jungle like elephants ,Gorillaz all these animals eat fruits and vegetables and they are healthy and very strong, even with this lion and hyenas eat meat and they are still very strong ,it depends on the type of meat we are eating. Pig meat and beef may not be good.


Verified member
Fruits and vegetables are very good for the body we should try to eat it at least once in a day because we derive a lot of benefits from consuming it like vitamins and it also reduces the risk of having some certain diseases like you mentioned earlier so we should try to consume it


Active member
Fruit and vegetables are very nutritious they have a lot of benefits to the body and they do not have a side effect also


Active member
Fruit and vegetables are very beneficial to our health it gives us different kind of nutrient and also helps to maintain our balanced diet